Your Club

Horse SA supports the ongoing sustainability of clubs and businesses through educational events, networking and information sharing.

Refer to the Horse SA event page for future educational sessions, which are held face to face and online. The Adelaide Hills Business Centre, which is a base for Horse SA, provides a range of services, including business coaching, IT and non-profit management advice.

Working with Children

It is a legal requirement that people need a working with children check if they are in a ‘prescribed position’. This means people who:

  • are in paid or volunteering roles where it is reasonably foreseeable that they will work with children

  • run or manage a business where the employees or volunteers work with children

  • are employed to provide preschool, primary or secondary education to a child.

Visit this website for general information, or if a club, contact the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing.

Educational resources

To meet your Child Safe Environment legal requirements, refer to Child Safe Environments

Further information

Play by the Rules provides free online courses for club members and volunteers including child safer environments.

Resources developed for horse owners, notes from workshops, webinar recordings and PowerPoint presentations are available for free online access from the following platforms (#HorseSA #Horseclubs):




Recreational Services (Limiting your liability)

Insurance information for clubs (Legal Services SA)

Promoting Your Horse Club has been developed for smaller volunteer organisations with important references for child safer environments.